Why can't you just say "I am proud of you" or "Congratulations" to me? Why is everything just "Okay" or "A good start" with you? WTF?
Why do I love the new crib and wonder why it took me so long to move on with my life and away from you?
Why has life been so good to me for the past year? Maybe the 30s are indeed the new 20s? Maybe the 40s will be even better?
Why is my new neighbor such a sweet lady, but after moving and the massive cleaning job of disinfecting the new crib I just want to relax.
- Am I old school, do people still call them "cribs"
Just because you call me, does NOT mean I have to answer the phone.
And NO, I didn't return your call because I didn't FEEL LIKE IT (whew, had to get that one off my chest. I'm better now :)
Why am I very happy that I looked your way. Like Prince said, "In a word, you were SEXY!"
WHY oh WHY am I the happiest and most content that I have been in an extremely long time? And it has nothing to do with a man, money, place or thing?
Why the first time I opened my back door onto my very first backyard, my furbaby took off to explore his new surroundings? So much for the thought of having to coax him outside :)