Thursday, September 6, 2007

Storytelling with Carmen Deedy

I had the good fortune today to attend a storytelling session featuring Children’s Book Author Carmen Deedy. To add icing to the cake, I was also getting paid for it since I was there in my “official capacity of photographer” for my job’s Web site. There are a few times when I love my job and today was definitely one of those times.

This was my first experience with Ms. Deedy and what a treat! I have to admit I surrendered to my urge to table my camera and enjoy the story as she held about 100 or so fourth graders (and about 10 adults) captive as she told the story of her first library experience. Using delightful voices, faces and hand jesters, she told the story of being a seven-year-old who found her love of the library through her first book. I could not stay the rest of the day to find out if the second, third and fifth graders got a different story, but if you ever have the opportunity, I highly recommend a Deedy storytelling.

Ms. Deedy is absolutely wonderful and even the adults were entranced as she finished her forty-five minute story in what seemed like ten.

It was a wonderful way to spend an hour of my day.

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