Monday, November 15, 2010

Random Thunderstorms...(I Thought)

I thought my family would be traveling to my city for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There was a change of plans. Instead of our traditional large gathering, there will only be four family members together for Thanksgiving. I can't remember the last time that happened.

I thought I would be in a better position in my career at this point. I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up but I am trying to have fun as I figure it out.

I thought my event would go off without a hitch (the event planner in me should have known better) now thanks to a shady location owner my event may be in jeopardy. A week before it takes place...and this too shall pass. We shall laugh about it later when the event is a rousing success...SIGH. Pray for me and my 'Dream Team' please?

I thought I would take a dating hiatus and be by myself for a while. One of my boys laughed at me and said, "Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts. Men will come out of the woodwork!" He wasn't right about the "woodwork" part but I have said "No,thank you" a lot lately.

I thought I would feel better about being an Aunt. My sister is pregnant again and complaining. I was fed up with the complaining and told her to just be happy and enjoy it. She has no idea how many women would absolutely adore to be in her shoes with her "oops babies" that her and my brother-in-law did not plan. Enjoy it...cause there a lot of women out there who can't do it!!! Then I had to get off the phone and wooooossssaaaahhhh. It's not her fault, I was just pissed at the complaining.

I thought I would not be able to handle it when my former Addiction contacted me. I knew it would happen eventually, people always have to try, right? I looked at his request, let it sit in my inbox and deleted it a day later. *fist pump* I think I am moving on. One step at a time.

I thought I would try something different with the man-magnet tresses. My poor tresses were dry and catching hell from the weather change. I whipped up a batch of whipped shea butter with shea, mango, coconut and a dash of rosemary oil. Put the tresses in small twists and man...that is some good stuff! The tresses are soft and shiny. Even my accomplice on Saturday noticed the "shine and volume." (Was given the side-eye for the volume comment, LOL!)

I thought I had lost a friendship with my cousin. We grew up together but grew apart when my mother moved me to another state. Recently I got word from him through his father, who told my mother to tell me to call him :) It was soooo good to talk, laugh and just hear his voice. He was indeed one of my first brothers (along with his brother) and some things the spirit needs. His voice and laughter definitely lifted my spirit. Small world, he lives a few doors down from my sister. Guess where I will be on my next visit?

Enough of my ranting...I have a huge stack of things to do this week before my vacation week.

Until Next Time,
Peace & Blessings...


  1. I thought... some of the same things as you... especially about the career, my "addiction" and my tresses...

    My hugs prayers are with you about the event. You know there will be hitches but you will surely get past them and smile in pleasure later when all is successful.

    Have a great vacay!!! if we don't speak before then...

  2. First. . I have my fingers crossed that your event is a huge success.

    At 38 I am still trying to figure out not what I want to be but how to get there. I am to unhappy to stay where I am.

    I have swore men off for a year. 9 months in is a struggle not to look but I am proud of myself for putting other areas of my life first. Like trying to get where I want to be. Though I must admit I am hoping "he" will show up soon before the year drought is up.

  3. hello there thanks for your grat post, as usual ((o:

  4. In my mind we are twin friends, lol! Thanksgiving is an undecided in my house this evening (will we be home, with the hubby's family or where?). I seem to be searching and searching for what it is that makes me happy career wise, and still have not figured it out:( I will be 40 next year! Sad I know! Good luck on the event, I need to come and check it out!

    Yep, I am one of those people who longed to have a son, but no means to do so:( Now I think I am just to old to be dealing with a little kid! No patience for that, lol:) Good job with the former addiction! :) It's always great to catch up with someone you've lost touch with when it is meaningful!

    I am gonna have ot break down and try the shea butter for my hair!

  5. I'm sending you good event juju; one planner to another! You WILL work it out!

    Good work at ignoring the Addiction.

    Happy to hear that you and your cousin have reconnected. The older that I get, I realize more and more how blessed I am to have the family that I do. Family is every.single.thing to me.

    Hope your storm passes soon!
