July 31 has been designated as National Dance Day by a Producer of one of the dance reality shows. The purpose is to prove that dance can MOVE an entire country. Of course I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the idea!!!!
Since the recession (are we still calling it that?) I have nixed my gym membership and replaced it with more free dance. Latin nights with my name on the list, Salsa socials, performance group rehearsals and good old fashioned house parties.
I am issuing a challenge, a double-dog dare if you will (remember those?). On Saturday, July 31 you must move! I don't care if you get up and Tango through a song (Lovebabz), get your Bob Marley on (MsKnowitAll) or shake your thang (Monique) I just want you to move. I would give you a time limit but let's face it, if you get into it you will most likely move longer then you planned anyway and that is more than average. Just get off the sofa and shake it baby!
Yours truly has great plans for July 31 and I intend to update you on what KayC did for National Dance Day. You can guarantee I will get in more than my fair share of dance and movement before the day is out ;)
Tell me blog fam....how do you plan to celebrate National Dance Day? What can you do to participate?
A little something to give you a head start. If this does not make you move nothing will! Come on, do the dance. You KNOW which one I'm talking about ;-)
I'm a fool, I know it. But you feel good don't you? Dancing and laughing...
Until Next Time,
Peace & Blessings...