Why did this happen to me?
Why am I here?
Why did that not work out?
We ask the "why" to try to gain understanding. To make sense of the non-sense that is happening around us. And we often become frustrated waiting on the answer while trying to understand the process. Struggling with where we are in relation to where we want to be. We forget that God knows what He is doing even when we do not. We forget that sometimes we are so busy wanting and trying to have the things that are not meant for us that we taking ourselves farther away from the path we should be walking.
I am beyond guilty of this.
I wanted someone who did not want me. Who wanted to play with my emotions and fulfill his needs. I wanted a better job with better pay when I was exactly where I needed to be to meet the people I needed to meet. I kept putting my bright ideas on hold while struggling to fulfill dreams other people had for me. I know I will never be a VP in corporate America. I know this because I have zero interest in obtaining those goals, that is not my dream for myself.
My dreams are slowly unfolding themselves to me in a way that is undeniable. My dreams and the 'why' I am in this moment is becoming clear to me. I walked the long way to my destination because I needed to clean out the old to make room for the new. I needed the confidence and contacts that I lacked while pursuing someone else's dream for me.
I am getting to the answer on my 'why' - are you getting to yours?