I've been tagged so I get to play. I guess that means I am an official blogger now ;-) In case you have not seen this before, I have been tagged by Verbal Vixon, who has great stories and art on her site.
The rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules in your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Here is the list of things unknown to my fellow bloggers...
1. I have a major pet peeve about people being inconsiderate. Especially when you want me to be considerate of you. That goes for all of the gum popping, cutting-me-off-in-traffic driving, smokers in the hallway, answering your cell phone in the movie, playing your music loud in the middle of the night people. Yeah, YOU!
2. I know the words to most of the songs in the Animated Disney Classics. My favorite being Bear Necessities in the The Jungle Book.
3. I wanted to be a performer like Janet Jackson when I grew up. She was killin' Control at the time. (Don't hate, don't hate)
4. Thanks to a person I dated, I now like all forms of music. If you ride with me you could hear everything from Daughtry, Creed, Carrie Underwood, Sweet Honey in the Rock, MeShell, Goo Goo Dolls, TuPac and Miles Davis. Interesting list, huh?
5. I know how to crochet and knit. My Grandmother taught my mother and my mother taught me. Someday, I hope to have a daughter to teach her. Gotta keep the tradition going.
6. My father's name is Adolph. Yes, just like Hitler. Oh yeah, get this...he is a junior. So there are TWO men in my family blessed with that name. Try living with that as a black girl growing up in the South!
BONUS- Since #6 is not really about me, here is another one. I am a certified Pet Stylist. Which means I am basically a certified barber for dogs and can do things like take this face:
And make it look like this:
So there you have it.
EXTRA CREDIT*** I HATE chain letters, so although this was fun and I appreciate being loved by the blog tag. I did not tag anyone.
But hit me up if you decide to participate.
Peace and Blessings,
KayC, The Quiet Storm