Monday, June 13, 2011

Random Thunderstorms...(Week at Home)

One of the very few perks I have with my job is the time off. We are closed when people usually request time off so at the end of the physical year I have time to burn. I like to take a week after things have died down and just use it for myself. No traveling, no visiting family or friends, just time for me to do whatever I want to do.

I used the week to stay at home, relax and turn off my damn alarm!

I spent three days with myself. Me and the furry one stayed home, kept each other company and enjoyed being lazy. At least I did, he does that on the regular!

I danced four nights straight. I missed Salsa and my partners. It was so good to be on the dance floor again even if the NBA finals made for some interesting crowds.

I lost half of those pesky pounds that found their way to my waist, hips and thighs. Gotta love that dance floor!

Speaking of losing weight...who goes on vacation and LOSES weight? Once again, I LOVE the dance floor!

I ventured out to a few new dance spots and people did not know me. When you are new, people can be reluctant to dance with you. Thankfully I can lead so I danced with a few women and happily mingled with the crowd. One of the men hugged me and told me he had to bow because I was mean on the dance floor. I could only laugh and say thank you.

I was really flattered when on the way out a lady stopped me and told me she had watched me dance and I was her dance inspiration. ME?!? Someone's dance inspiration? I remember how I felt when I first found my dance inspiration, being someone's dance inspiration is a great honor. I hope I do not disappoint her, LOL!

I happily checked off a few things on my house 'to do' list. My ego got a gut check when I ran across a few old photos from when I first moved in my house. I had just walked away from the marriage and had all the debt with a small income. I left the furniture and all reminders of that life. I had lost sight of how far I had come and only thought of the things I wanted. Those photos reminded me of how I am slowly and surely making my house my home.

I also spent the week making strides to perfect my craft on the event planning side and dance.

That was my week in a was yours?

Until Next Time,
Peace & Blessings...


  1. Good to hear that you had a great, relaxing time.

    I gotta come and see what this dancing is all about

  2. I love hearing about your dancing. It is refreshing and different!

  3. Now that's how you chill out! Imagine just a few years ago you couldn't chill out like this, you were stuck in mess with no end in sight. Now you can take the time you need and give yourself back to yourself!

    Yes my Sister you have come far! Celebrate that!

    And I gotta make my way to a dance floor again too...I miss the Tango!

  4. Princess Tinybutt,
    Hello! Hope all is well.

    I'm still waiting on you to make your dance debut. The invite is always open.

    Thank you.

    One of my dance partners is currently taking a Tango class. He says he LOVES it! I'm jealous and determined to get myself into a class this summer.
